※ GH-02、GH-08または標準RS-232Cは、いずれか1つのみ本体に装着可能です。 ********************************************************************** 【以下は海外向けの商品説明になります】 【Product description in English】 ********************************************************************** Electronic balance GH-202 (weight: 51g/220g) for the A & D analysis Conductive glass adoption semi-micro sky bottle for the prevention of static charge ● Conductive glass adoption semi-micro sky bottle for the prevention of static charge ● Possibility for LAN by use of GH-08 ● Weight incorporation for the proofreading ● I can transmit a measurement level to a PC by quick USB (separate sale: GH-02) ● g mg number ・% carat momme (unit for the pearl measurement) mode ● RS-232C interface (D-Sub9P male) is supplied and floor lower weighting capacity metal fittings are supplied ● A data memory function measurement value: Up to 200 a proofreading result: Up to 50 ● GLP GMP GCP the ISO-adaptive output ● Metal fittings standard features for exclusive use of the floor lower weighting capacity
★ Specifications ★
[model name] GH-202 [weight] 51g/220g [the smallest indication] 0.01mg/0 .1 mg [unit mass's smallest a number mode:] 0.1 mg It is 10 25 50 or 100 [a number mode: the number of the samples] It is 10.0 mg [a percentage mode: 100% at the minimum of mass] [indication percentage's smallest a percentage mode:] 0.01% 0.1% 1% (change automatic by 100% mass) [measurement plate dimensions] materials = SUS316 of φ 90mm / measurement plate [power supply] An AC adapter (TB248) input: AC100V (+10% -15%) 50Hz/60Hz power consumption: About 15VA (I include an AC adapter) [external form dimensions] 217 (W) *442 (D) *316 (H) mm [body mass] approximately 8.2 kg
● 帯電防止用導電性ガラス採用セミマイクロ天びん
● GH-08の使用によりLAN対応可能
● 校正用分銅内蔵
● クイックUSB(別売:GH-02)で計量値をPCに送信可能
● g・mg・個数・%・カラット・もんめ(真珠計量用単位)モード
● RS-232Cインタフェース (D-Sub9Pオス)標準装備、床下秤量金具標準装備
● データメモリ機能 計量値:最大200個、校正結果:最大50個
● 床下秤量 専用金具標準装備
※ 当該商品は自社販売と在庫を共有しているため、在庫更新のタイミングにより、在庫切れの場合やむをえずキャンセルさせていただく可能性があります。
※ GH-02、GH-08または標準RS-232Cは、いずれか1つのみ本体に装着可能です。
【Product description in English】
Electronic balance GH-202 (weight: 51g/220g) for the A & D analysis
Conductive glass adoption semi-micro sky bottle for the prevention of static charge
● Conductive glass adoption semi-micro sky bottle for the prevention of static charge
● Possibility for LAN by use of GH-08
● Weight incorporation for the proofreading
● I can transmit a measurement level to a PC by quick USB (separate sale: GH-02)
● g mg number ・% carat momme (unit for the pearl measurement) mode
● RS-232C interface (D-Sub9P male) is supplied and floor lower weighting capacity metal fittings are supplied
● A data memory function measurement value: Up to 200 a proofreading result: Up to 50
● GLP GMP GCP the ISO-adaptive output
● Metal fittings standard features for exclusive use of the floor lower weighting capacity
★ Specifications ★
[model name] GH-202
[weight] 51g/220g
[the smallest indication] 0.01mg/0 .1 mg
[unit mass's smallest a number mode:] 0.1 mg
It is 10 25 50 or 100 [a number mode: the number of the samples]
It is 10.0 mg [a percentage mode: 100% at the minimum of mass]
[indication percentage's smallest a percentage mode:] 0.01% 0.1% 1% (change automatic by 100% mass)
[measurement plate dimensions] materials = SUS316 of φ 90mm / measurement plate
[power supply] An AC adapter (TB248) input: AC100V (+10% -15%) 50Hz/60Hz power consumption: About 15VA (I include an AC adapter)
[external form dimensions] 217 (W) *442 (D) *316 (H) mm
[body mass] approximately 8.2 kg